Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Best Mirror Lenses Wat R The Best Lenses And Mirrors To Use For Veiwing Nebulae And Galaxies???

Wat r the best lenses and mirrors to use for veiwing nebulae and galaxies??? - best mirror lenses

Preferebly an 8 "but 10" or 12 "wud b ok


  1. Here are some websites with good information on beginner telescopes:
    http://www.gaherty.ca/tme/TME0702_Buying ...
    http://observers.org/beginner/jrfbegi ...

    For more extensive information, read Phil Harrington Starware, 4 Edition (Wiley).

    You get the best value for your money with a Newtonian reflector on a Dobsonian mount, such as the following:
    http://www.telescope.com/control/categor ...
    ... http://www.skywatchertelescope.net/swtin

    Buy from a store that specializes in the purchase telescopes and astronomy, either locally or online, not in department stores, discount stores or eBay, as is everything they sell junk. Find your local astronomy club and try different TV --Areas in one of his groups of stars:
    http://www.skyandtelescope.com/community ...

    If your interest is primarily in the nebula and galaxies, so I recommend a 10 "mounted Newton or more on a Dobsonian. Nothing less will not show satisfactory detail, something that is greater than a pain to transport and assembly, nebulae and galaxies, then the trip to see a dark spot. Good brands are Orion, Meade, Zhumell, and Meade.

  2. A wide range of telescopes available, but the budget is the deciding factor that determines what you buy. The cost for an 8 "apochromatic is out of question for most fans.

    An 8 "mirror is really the minimum size that you are galaxies as objects, weak, but if you buy a Dobsonian, Newtonian or a region depends on whether the Cadioptric want to use portability, stability, or for when you astral .

    If you want to use and are a beginner, visual, I would say that Dobson (as far as possible, and laptops) you give a great view, but you have quite a good find in the sky, know what you want to see, and you must a good set of star charts to help you.

    You have to do some reading about telescopes, and, if possible, your local astronomy club, where many members are using all kinds of different sizes.

    There are many sites that are helpful than www.skyandtelescope.com www.astronomy.com and is only two AA batteries, making sure not to buy a telescope from a trusted supplier, seller of the store.

    It is also important to look away from city light pollution you can not see all prevented. Make sure the page is as dark as possible

  3. A wide range of telescopes available, but the budget is the deciding factor that determines what you buy. The cost for an 8 "apochromatic is out of question for most fans.

    An 8 "mirror is really the minimum size that you are galaxies as objects, weak, but if you buy a Dobsonian, Newtonian or a region depends on whether the Cadioptric want to use portability, stability, or for when you astral .

    If you want to use and are a beginner, visual, I would say that Dobson (as far as possible, and laptops) you give a great view, but you have quite a good find in the sky, know what you want to see, and you must a good set of star charts to help you.

    You have to do some reading about telescopes, and, if possible, your local astronomy club, where many members are using all kinds of different sizes.

    There are many sites that are helpful than www.skyandtelescope.com www.astronomy.com and is only two AA batteries, making sure not to buy a telescope from a trusted supplier, seller of the store.

    It is also important to look away from city light pollution you can not see all prevented. Make sure the page is as dark as possible
